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Celebrating National Manufacturing Day – Friday, Oct. 2, 2020

Joining the National Manufacturing Day movement was among the Central Pinellas Chamber of Commerce’s 2020 action goals.  Manufacturing is the third largest industry sector in Pinellas County representing about 44,000 jobs.

            The City of Largo and Pinellas County Commission have both issued proclamations at the request of the Chamber to recognize manufacturers and their impact on the Pinellas economy.  Most recent figures show it at about $10.5 billion in total annual sales and $7.5 billion in exports.

            National Manufacturing Day, held annually on the first Friday in October, celebrates those who proudly stand behind American goods and services.  President Barack Obama signed the first Presidential Proclamation in 2014.

            The objective is to create a better understanding and appreciation for the significant impact of manufacturing and provide opportunities for young people to pursue manufacturing careers.  Although COVID has prevented the tradition of manufacturers opening their doors to students this year on Manufacturing Day, other outreach efforts are underway to inspire them to pursue careers in manufacturing and engineering.

            What’s certain is that today’s science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) graduates will power the next chapter of American production and innovation to grow our economy.  And, the Chamber will continue its role as a bridge between education and industry.