Florida Trend | Florida's Business Authority

Friday's Afternoon Update

Citrus and sugar growers could get edge in state’s budding $1 billion medical pot industry

Tucked into the medical marijuana legislation, which establishes a system for patients to buy cannabis, is language that requires the state’s Department of Health to give preferential treatment to companies that promise to convert orange juice factories and other citrus processing facilities into marijuana grow sites. More from the Bradenton Herald.

The mall isn't dead. It's alive and well in Tampa's Hyde Park Village

In an age where many chain retailers and traditional shopping malls are struggling to stay open, Hyde Park Village is described by analysts and brokers today as a bright spot in the industry. More from the Tampa Bay Times.

The faces behind Tallahassee's new economic development structure

Three new groups may be approved next week as part of Tallahassee's new economic development strategic plan. The Intergovernmental Agency, which governs Blueprint funds for infrastructure projects like Cascades Park and Capital Circle, will decide whether to create the new groups and accept dozens of proposed appointees. More from the Tallahassee Democrat.

Mainland Miami ponders returning neighborhoods to nature in order to survive rising seas

Where climate change poster child Miami Beach is investing $500 million in pumps, streets and sea walls in order to fight for every inch of dry land, municipalities on the mainland are exploring what some communities would look like if they were made to accommodate rising seas rather than simply fight them. More from the Miami Herald.

Florida caps in malpractice cases ruled unconstitutional

Caps on how much money patients injured by a doctor’s mistakes can receive were declared unconstitutional by the Florida Supreme Court on Thursday, a decision that strikes down one of former Gov. Jeb Bush’s major policy victories. More from the Florida Times-Union.

Florida History
South Florida's Long-Lost Restaurants

florida Memories of some are cherished to this day, while others have disappeared, leaving behind little more than a digitized image in the State Archives of Florida. Restaurants have always been a major part of the South Florida experience for tourists and residents. See a slideshow of some of the region's most cherished restaurants.

» More from the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

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Joey Cornblit

florida originalsJoey Cornblit, the first American-born jai alai star, shares insights and stories from the jai alai fronton. “When I first started, everybody said I was too skinny, that I wasn’t strong enough and that I would never make it because I was an American. As a kid hearing those things that gave me an awful lot of motivation.” Cornblit also answers the question: What happened to jai alai?

» Access full story.