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Wedded to Divorce Law

Twenty-five years ago, when attorney Jeff Miller was just starting out, he took on his first divorce case. He didn’t like it. In fact, he disliked it so much that he found another lawyer to cover for him — and he swore he’d never handle another divorce case.

So how did Miller, after years of following through with his pledge, end up handling divorce cases almost exclusively?

He points to the web.


Recognizing there was a growing market for quick, uncontested divorces, the Boca Raton attorney determined he could deliver the service by using the internet. He started a law firm called DivorceYes!, now a year old, that specializes in uncontested cases. “Everything we do is geared not to create litigation but to ending it,” he says.

The firm has offices in Palm Beach and Broward counties, with others planned for Miami-Dade and Hillsborough, but much of the work is done through the internet at divorceyes.com.

“More than half of the clients who hire us, we never talk to,” Miller says. “Not before, during and sometimes not even after. We’re only able to do this because of technology.”

Miller charges $399 or $499 if couples have children. He expects his firm will handle about 1,000 cases this year.