Florida Trend | Florida's Business Authority

Deseret Ranch - the Land

Deseret Ranch map

Map showing Deseret Ranch properties (click to enlarge) [Map by Teresanne Cossetta Russell]

Deseret Ranch

  • Age: 60 years
  • Size: 295,000 acres, 250 square miles
  • Location: About 180,000 acres in Osceola County, 70,000 acres in Orange County and 45,000 acres in Brevard County
  • Activity: One of the largest calf-cow operations in the United States, with 45,000 calf-producing beef cattle and a breeding operation; 80 employees
  • Current population: 50 families
  • 2080 expected population: Approximately 500,000


  • The first piece of Deseret Ranch to be developed will be a project called Sunbridge, constructed in partnership with Tavistock. The project encompasses 19,000 acres in Osceola County that were designated as the Northeast District Sector Plan plus about 5,000 acres the church owns in Orange County south of the Beachline Expressway.
  • Scope: 37,000 homes and apartments, nearly 20 million square feet of commercial space and more than 3,000 hotel rooms
  • Theme: Agriculture, food production and water, along with a research-and-development cluster focused on conservation
  • Development timeline: 2018-47

Possible Transportation Corridors

  • No actual routes or alignments have been decided, but several large new transportation corridors are envisioned as part of the development plans for the area:
  • A beltway through Osceola County
  • In the northern section of the ranch property, an east-west highway running roughly from the top of the Osceola Beltway, along the Orange-Osceola line and then curling north to meet up with SR 520.
  • A 30-35 mile east-west toll corridor that runs from the Orlando International Airport/Lake Nona region along Nova Road ending roughly at Pineda Causeway in Brevard County. The route would involve building a bridge over the St. Johns River. The southern terminus would abut A. Duda and Sons’ Viera development.
  • A north-south highway running roughly from the S.R. 528-520 junction in Orange County through the North Ranch property and ending at U.S. 192

North Ranch Sector Plan

  • Long-term plans call for the development of 133,000 acres of Deseret Ranch property in Osceola County that currently is either ranch or farmland.
  • Scope: 53% mixed-use development, 29% conservation lands, 13% agriculture, 5% reservoirs.
  • Projected population: 355,000 residents by 2060 — and 493,000 by 2080
  • Development timeline: 2040-80

Additional Deseret Property

  • In addition to the acreage that comprises Sunbridge and the North Ranch Sector Plan, Deseret owns:
  • Another 70,000 acres in Orange County for which it has not yet done any public long-range planning
  • 45,000 acres near the St. Johns River in Brevard County, which the ranch says is too valuable as farmland to develop
  • 50,000 acres farther south in a remote area of Osceola County