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Film Florida begs public for help to stop Legislators from shutting office

FilmFlorida.com sent the letter below to encourage citizens to undertake a letter-writing campaign on their behalf:

As a strong supporter of the film, television and digital media industry in Florida, we need your help! As you are aware, the Florida House of Representatives is set to pass legislation (HB 7005) that would shutter the Florida Office of Film and Entertainment and put an end to the Entertainment Industry Sales Tax Exemption program, which would effectively represent a tax increase on an industry that is vital to our job creating and our tourism economies.

Senator Jack Latvala (R-Clearwater), a long-time supporter of our industry is in a unique position, as the Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman, to help ensure the Florida Office of Film & Entertainment is preserved and the Entertainment Industry Sales Tax Exemption Program remains in effect. We believe his support is critical to sending the message that Florida is open for business and remains interested in recruiting films and television shows.

By end of day Tuesday, March 14, 2017, we need each of you to send us a short letter that we will gather and hand-deliver to Senator Latvala, demonstrating your support for preserving the office and the tax exemption. Send your letter as a Word or PDF attachment (on company letterhead if available) to info@FilmFlorida.org. Please be sure to address your letter to Senator Latvala (info below) and include your name, your company’s name (if applicable), and your profession. It is paramount that you articulate the negative impact you or your company would face if the State Film Office is closed and/or if your taxes were raised as a result of the sales tax exemption going away. Even if you do not work directly in the industry, if you would be negatively impacted, the Senator needs to hear from you.

Below you will find a sample letter for you to follow. However, it’s extremely important that each letter be YOUR STORY in YOUR WORDS. Please do not just copy and paste our sample letter. When finished, please send your letter to info@FilmFlorida.org.


Senator Jack Latvala
412 Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100

Dear Senator Latvala,
My name is Joseph Smith and I work for XYZ Company in Winter Haven, FL. Thank you for supporting the film, television and digital media industry. I respectfully ask that you continue fighting to preserve the Florida Office of Film and Entertainment and keep the Entertainment Industry Sales Tax Exemption Program intact.

We are a small company. In my 12 years working in this industry I have worked on numerous projects that came to Florida with the help of the Florida Office of Film and Entertainment. They have the ability to market the state on a much larger scale than my small company can. We have also utilized the sales tax exemption for the last 4 years and it has allowed us to hire 2 new people in that time. (BE SURE YOU INCLUDE YOUR OWN PERSONAL STORY)

Thank you for your support and your efforts.