Florida Trend | Florida's Business Authority

Who Said That?

" It’s so sad. I was so heartbroken because here is this drink that everyone thinks is healthy, and it’s really not. "

-- Jessica Adams

Jessica Adams and Leigh-Anne Ashley Stedman are exactly the kind of consumers orange juice marketers want to reach and the kind of consumers they’re losing.

Adams, 27, of Mulberry and Stedman, 34, of Lakeland said they grew up on orange juice but either don’t drink it anymore (Adams) or have reduced the amount and kind of OJ she consumes (Stedman). Both cited sugar content as a major reason.

Adams said she started drinking OJ as a teenager and continued until last year, when she saw a documentary on sugar and “I learned just how much sugar was in OJ,” she said. She stopped drinking OJ then.

Read more at the Lakeland Ledger.