Florida Trend | Florida's Business Authority

Who Said That?

" You don’t have to spend a lot of money to send the message to someone that they are important."

-- Mark Brennen, author of Tipping for Success

Throughout the year, there are key people who make our lives run more smoothly. For Jackie Martin that person is her hair dresser who will stay late at the salon to ensure the busy sales representative gets her hair colored before leaving on a business trip. Martin wants to show her hair dresser appreciation during the holidays. But she faces the same dilemma most of us encounter: What is an appropriate holiday tip?

Holiday tipping is much different than doling out appreciation for a one-time service. It represents appreciation for an ongoing service that we value. Make an etiquette blunder with holiday tipping and it could cause you embarrassment. Tip too much, and it could set you back financially for the new year.

Read more at the Miami Herald.