Florida Trend | Florida's Business Authority

Who Said That?

"The monster is hungry and wants to be fed."

-- Brad Culpepper

It was a minor rear-end collision with no obvious injuries. But when a Sebring jury finally had its say last month, that 3-year-old fender bender created a legal milestone. The Tampa law firm of Culpepper Kurland at last conducted its first trial. Created six years ago by two energetic 30-somethings, the firm has parlayed hip, edgy advertising into a thriving personal injury practice. Where most legal commercials show earnest attorneys pontificating in front of law books, Brad Culpepper and Brett Kurland move to a hard rock beat. They walk around town in slow motion, stride up courthouse steps, address juries and reporters, creating a vibe familiar to any fan of TV legal drama.

The ads are such a hit, strangers stop by the office and ask to take a photo with the lawyers.

But the reality of Culpepper Kurland — like the legal niche they compete in — is far from the Hollywood image.

Read more at the Tampa Bay Times.