Florida Trend | Florida's Business Authority

Surf's Up on Miami Beach

Surfing on Miami Beach is about to get easier -- wireless surfing, that is.
In a plan with the city, IBM will install and operate a wireless broadband network. The deal, which came despite protests from private internet providers that stand to lose business, calls for a "100% hot zone" on Miami Beach, providing free basic internet access to the public, including residents, tourists and business travelers.
IBM edged out a competitor with the lowest price, $5.2 million, which includes six years of operating and maintaining the system. Among other services, IBM will also provide some personal computers for the disadvantaged. And the network will have a built-in battery backup system that can last eight to 10 hours in power outages.
Miami Beach spokeswoman Nannette Rodriguez says the city expects to have the service up and running "some time this summer."