Florida Trend | Florida's Business Authority

Animal Kingdom

THE WILD LI FE: Jim Fowler proposes populating his wildlife park with animals, such as rhinos, from five continents.

For the past three years, television's "Wild Kingdom'' co-host Jim Fowler has been talking about bringing kangaroos, tigers, rhinos and more to roam free in a wildlife park in northwest Florida. His $35-million plan for "Jim Fowler's Life in the Wild'' took a step toward reality recently when his Parks and Wildlife Services organization made a $50,000 deposit on 760 acres around Smith's Lake at Bonifay to the Holmes County Development Commission, which owns the land. Groundbreaking could come as early as this year, with the park opening in 2008.

Fowler is teaming up with Bonifaybased acquisition and development company Blue Dolphin II, a move that could result in two subsequent phases to the plans and an additional investment of some $150 million.

Barbara Farris, president of Blue Dolphin II, says Fowler's project meshed with her desire to build an entertainment amphitheater and a Celebrity Coast Theme Park. Blue Dolphin will develop both ventures, is steering fund raising and has contracted for an additional 6,000 acres: 400 more for the wildlife park, an estimated 250 for Farris' own attractions and the balance for commercial, retail and residential development.

A recent University of West Florida Haas Center study estimates the wildlife park alone -- with its safari treks, sky lift and Fowler Center for Wildlife Education -- could draw a quarter-million tourists a year and create up to 500 jobs.