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Northside Hospital adds Robotic Surgery to Surgical Options

ST. PETERSBURGFlorida – (June 24, 2020) – Northside Hospital is expanding its surgical options with the da Vinci XI Surgical System.  “This advanced technology will provide an opportunity for us to expand surgical options for residents in our community and increase our service capabilities to allow our community residents to seek care close to home,” said Valerie Powell-Stafford, Northside Hospital CEO.  This innovative technology enhances the surgeon’s ability to offer minimally invasive surgery across a broader range of patients, thereby may enable patients to recover more quickly and experience fewer complications.

Other potential benefits of da Vinci Surgery include:

·         Enhanced highâ?definition 3D vision with up to 10x magnification, which provides the surgeon with superior visual clarity of tissue and anatomy

·         Unparalleled precision and dexterity provided by the system’sEndoWrist ® instrumentation, which provides a full range of motion, mimicking the twist of the human wrist

·         The ability to adapt and optimize exposure of the critical tissue planes

Allen Campbell was the first patient to have surgery at Northside Hospital with this da Vinci XI Surgical System. “In 2016 I had hernia surgery and it was a 3 month recovery.  My hernia surgery done robotically at Northside Hospital was only a 6 week recovery.  I was back to normal in half the time.The care I was given at Northside Hospital was the best I had ever received.  Once I was feeling better, my fiancé and I had pizza delivered to the unit I was on. I believe you help people who help you.  From nursing to housekeeping to food services, all of the caregivers at Northside Hospital were awesome!”

To learn more about Northside Hospital’s Robotics program or to schedule an interview please contact Carrie Johnson, Marketing Director, at 727-521-5265.