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More Enrolled in Northwest Fla. Colleges

Community college enrollment historically rises during economic downturns. When jobs are scarce, “people have the time and see the need for additional skills,’’ says Tallahassee Community College President Bill Law. Regional colleges are offering shorter sessions, making more classes available online and developing quick jobs courses in likely local demand areas.

 Spring Enrollment Summer Enrollment
’08 ’09 % Change ’08 Expected change ‘09
Chipola College
1,954 2,160 +10.5% 1,300 slight decrease
Gulf Coast Community College Panama City 5,482 5,739 +4.7% 2,784 +5%
North Florida Community College Madison 1,643 1,306 -20.5% 958 NC
Northwest Florida State College Niceville 9,264 10,041 +8.4% 6,067 +7%-8%
Pensacola Junior College
13,199 13,537 +2.6% 7,935 +10%
Tallahassee Community College Tallahassee 12,990 13,384 +3.0% 8,546 +6.5%
Source: Colleges